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Do you feel like you‘re living an unbalanced lifestyle and have picked up habits which are having a negative impact on your health, or may be you lack confidence, feel uncomfortable speaking in public or just simply want to reprogramme yourself for ultimate success? Hypnotherapy London
Hypnotherapy allows you to achieve fast results by establishing the root cause of the issue. Simple making changes to your thinking, creating new positive thought patterns, instantly improves your physical and mental wellbeing.
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About Me
Pippa Hancock is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and certified Advance Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist (RTT) based in South Kensington, London. Using a variety of the latest hypnosis techniques Pippa works with her clients in overcoming personal challenges and reaching their desired goals.
Hypnotherapy London

My Treatments
One-Two-One Hypnotherapy
A full three hour session covering a variety of clinical hypnotherapy techniques to discover the root cause of an issue, helping to overcome any unwanted habits, behaviours and thought patterns. The session includes 21 days support and a personalised self hypnosis audio.
Hypnotherapy & EMDR
Combining hypnotherapy and EMDR this one-hour session will help individuals overcome various issues, while reducing the intensity of negative emotions and experiences, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.
Customised Self Hypnosis Audio
A personalised self hypnosis audio that helps ingrain new positive thought patterns ensuring you can achieve the desired goals more quickly and effectively. Hypnotherapy London Hypnotherapist London
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